Often seeking an answer to the question: how to lose weight in the face of the girls with the chubby cheeks and the rounded shape of the person. And sometimes each excess kilos directly in the area of the chin or the cheeks. To do, such as making a person lose weight fast and effective?
The advice of the specialists-nutritionists in the subject, to do to lose weight in the face?

- It is important to avoid swelling of the face, and, therefore, drinking at least two litres of water, so that the body is not saving in the middle. Avoid carbonated beverages, it is desirable to employ the green tea or herbal teas.
- Is prohibited the consumption of alcoholic beverages, regardless of how weak they were not. This nuance is subject to dehydration, which becomes a swelling in the face.
- Over eating vegetables and fruits, fiber is necessary to maintain the water balance.
- It is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt, do not give fluid to leave his body.
- It is also useful to fully relax, sleep at least 8 hours, walk in the fresh air, do light gymnastic exercises for the whole body.
To do to lose weight in your face for a few days?
Simple massage, a pat on the chin and cheeks, this will help improve circulation and relieve fatigue. Do the procedure several times a day, You should be completely relaxed and focused on the massage.
Another fast way to lose weight on your face? It is a mask of high efficacy for the person. For its preparation you need the juice of lemon, yeast, egg yolk (for oily skin). For normal or combination skin – rolled oats, yeast and the vitamin a in capsules. Apply the composition liberally to face, neck and chest and is washed with warm water after 20 minutes.
The beauty centre offers a gymnastics special, that will give a positive result for face slimming, strengthen the tone of the cheeks, and will help you avoid wrinkles.
Exercises how to lose weight in the face!
To do to lose weight in the face:
- we took in the teeth of a pencil and tried to write in the air any word, are considered useful letter M and w;
- cross the hands and to take by the shoulders, rhythmically stretch the neck and hold the position for a few seconds, to return to its original position;
- pull the lip tube and clearly pronounce the vowels letters.
In the home, these procedures are very good and in a few days will already be the first results.
How to lose weight in your face quickly without exhausting workouts?
It is necessary to abandon the habit, before going to bed, drink tea or water, this should be done during the day. To saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals, making procedure with decoctions of herbs.
You can make black tea and a cloth with a clean face, in place of ointments for the face wash.
In terms of diet, to lose weight in the face, you should minimize the consumption of processed foods, salty foods, acids, acute, flour and confectionery products. Actually do the download days, in buckwheat, watermelons, apples, cucumbers, cuisine, preferably fill with the lemon juice in place of salt and spices.
Bedtime should from hours to 10 at night and get up at 7, to a lot of sleep also negatively influenced the face, appears swelling and inflammation.
Visual modeling
How to lose weight in the face with the help of the simulation of hairstyles? To do this, you must give the correct way to cut hair, learn how to apply makeup, to reduce the cheekbones and give the face.
The effect of the complete cheeks create high hairstyles, which is framed by the loops of the sides. And bulky on the upper part of the hairstyles and tight to the cheeks of the strand. In terms of cosmetics, in this situation, it is important the right makeup. In addition to the classic powder in the tone you want to purchase another in a darker shade, apply along the jaw and chin, and bright blush directly below the cheekbones. Such crafty ways you can achieve accurate and attractive to the eye, and all of the easy and safe way!
What is needed to lose weight in the face of a man?

To correct the contour of the face, it can do massage to strengthen muscle tone. To do this:
- prepare the infusion of herbs, take a tablespoon of herbs (chamomile, sage, lime tree), pour in 1.5 cup of hot water and insist 20 minutes;
- low the towel in the herbal infusion;
- beyond taking it by the ends with both hands and prepared a version in different parts, in order that fought in the chin.
Several effective exercises.
- Cant your head toward your left shoulder and your left hand on the bed left of the temple. Now it is necessary to touch the head of the shoulder and hand in hand with yours. Exactly what we do with the right.
- We put the elbow on the table, and the fist placed under the chin and the force trying to lower the face-down, preventing the reach of the hand.
- Join tight teeth and we're going to try to pull down the lower lip.
Even for people with fleshy cheeks of these procedures to be effective and useful during the training of the face to not only lose weight but also improves its tone, it will strengthen the muscles of the cheeks and chin.
In answer to the question — is it possible to lose weight a person can " yes " mean "Yes", the main a little perseverance and willpower, and the result will not wait long!